2,059 research outputs found

    Improving Vaccination Uptake in the Latinx Community Through Standardized Outreach

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    In the United States, Latinx communities have experienced a disproportionately high burden of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations throughout the pandemic. The focus of this quality improvement project is to standardize the patient outreach process and education to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake. The ambulatory community clinic in the city of Oakland, California serves a majority of underserved Latinx patients that have demonstrated distrust of the healthcare system and their disbelief in the positive outcomes of the COVID-19 vaccine. The high burden of COVID-19 infections among the Latinx community has led to misinformation and fear. In order to overcome this issue, Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) skills have been used to analyze, educate, and manage future outcomes. Using these skills would have measured the number of vaccine appointments made after the implementation of standardization of outreach and education compared to the number vaccine appointments made prior to the implementation of the intervention. Due to COVID restrictions and difficulty in communication, the quality improvement project will be limited to establishing a clear purpose and intervention for future use to increase vaccination rates among the Latinx community. The recommendations provided will help staff members from the community clinic adapt and modify the interventions that will apply the needs of the community

    A Viennese in London: English Reception

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    In a culture conducive to refining his compositions, Haydn was able to find success through his patrons and musical techniques. London was the largest musical city at the time, where advertising played a key role in the attendance at concerts. Haydn attended performances there which educated him on London’s music. His patrons (such as violinist Johann Peter Salomon and author Charles Burney) were immensely helpful in his growing musical career in London. Haydn’s shift in compositional style accordingly reflected his stay in London. He combined the music he heard in the city with his own musical language to create his new style. Through studying London’s concert life and Haydn’s interaction with it, one can understand why Haydn’s style changed while within a new city

    Giving Voice to Memory: Using Holocaust Testimonies to Enhance Public History Proposal

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    Oren Stier, Stephanie Brenenson, and Maryanna Ramirez complemented FIU\u27s Common Reading Program assignment—Martin Baranek\u27s memoir Determined about his experiences in Nazi concentration camps—with an exhibition at the Patricial & Phillip Frost Art Museum depicting Jewish culture with an emphasis on Holocaust refugees

    Healthy Workplaces for Nurses: A Review of Lateral Violence and Evidence-Based Interventions

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    Most nurses in the United States have experienced workplace bullying, also referred to as lateral violence. Workplace bullying is serious within professional nursing practice. These behaviors are often associated with detrimental consequences for nurses, their patients, and the greater health care organization. We performed a literature review to summarize recent studies on this pervasive yet persistent problem as well as evidence-based solutions. In environments where managers, supervisors, and administrators are unable or unwilling to address lateral violence, a common pattern is that offenders continue to target new employees and cause turmoil for workers and patients in healthcare settings. This work environment also causes harm and endangers patients. Although workplace bullying cannot be fixed with just one solution, there are different initiatives healthcare settings and educational institutions can implement to help prevent and eliminate workplace bullying, such as improving leadership training and interprofessional communication. Once these initiatives are put into practice, healthcare practices can start saving money, increasing employee satisfaction, retaining workers, and providing better healthcare services for their patients

    An Examination of the Relationship Between Childhood Abuse, Anger and Violent Behavior Among a Sample of Sex Offenders

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    Background: Increasing attention has focused on the emotional dysregulation that can result from adverse childhood experiences among those who commit sexually violent crimes. While studies confirm a relationship between child maltreatment and anger the research is limited and it is unclear how anger and child maltreatment effect the use of violence during the commission of the sex crime. Methods: This study examined the relationship between childhood maltreatment, anger and violent behavior by reviewing the records of 571 adult male offenders convicted of sexual assault or child molestation. The aims of the present study were to 1) examine differences in anger levels between those offenders who engaged in verbal or physical violence or used a weapon during the commission of their crime; 2) explore differences in anger levels for those sex offenders who experienced childhood abuse (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect) and those who were not; 3) examine whether there were differences in anger between rapists and child molesters and 4) assess whether anger either mediated or moderated the relationship between childhood abuse and the use of violence in the commission of the crime. Results: Overall we found that sex offenders who were rated as being angrier were more likely to have used violence in the commission of their crime and were more likely to be abused as children. Further, while these relationships held for both rapists and child molesters independently, rapists were found to be angrier than child molesters. Finally, anger neither mediated nor moderated the relationship between an offender’s adverse childhood and committing a violent sex crime. Conclusions: These results suggest that anger should be target in intervention and prevention programs with violent sex offenders

    Creating Conditions for Developing and Nurturing Talent: The Work of School Leaders

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    In 1993, two decades after the 1972 U.S. Office of Education Report on the status of gifted and talented programs (the Marland Report), U. S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley issued a report stating that gifted education is essential to our nation’s future and documenting the “quiet risk” faced by gifted children and gifted education programs in the United States

    Análisis del periodo de prueba laboral y la vulneración de los derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores en Lima, 2020

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    El presente trabajo, correspondió al tema del periodo de prueba en el Perú, en la actualidad esta figura corresponde a un periodo de desprotección del trabajador ante el empleador, ya que estos podrían ser despedidos sin tener causa alguna exigida por ley, por lo tanto, el empleador podría abusar del miedo existente que tiene el trabajador ante la posible terminación de su relación laboral, podría producirse entonces abuso o aprovechamiento ante tal situación por parte del empleador. El enfoque de la investigación fue cualitativo con diseño no experimental, el objetivo de investigación fue determinar que este periodo vulnera la estabilidad laboral del trabajador en el Perú, se utilizó como instrumento de recolección de datos la guía de entrevista, empleando para ello un formulario respecto al desarrollo de los objetivos plasmados. El resultado obtenido fue que debería modificarse la figura de periodo de prueba, si bien es cierto no puede eliminarse pues se debe modificar en pro del trabajador ya que esta figura es un tanto injusta para el mismo, respecto a ello se concluyó que es necesaria la modificación, empleando para ello talvez la creación de una comisión encargada de ver el desarrollo del trabajador y decida junto con el empleador el futuro del mismo en la empresa
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